Monday 7 March 2016

Wait, What Did You Say?!

I assume with any workplace there is a strange lingo that is used amongst everyone apart of that world away from home. At least, in our class, this is the case. When a funny comment is made me create an ongoing joke that lasts longer than it probably should. 

I started writing down these random snippets of conversations that were lost in the blur of voices in our buzzing classroom. Going around asking people to tell me something they have either heard or have said, I thought to myself: “How would people who have no idea what we are talking about, react to these fragments of strange quotes? Being a photographer I jumped on the opportunity to photograph their faces! 

I asked my friend Patrick if he would be able to take a listen to pieces of our strange and bizarre world that were born through our deep longing to complete our projects, our unquenchable thirst for impressive grades, and lack of sleep that our overworked brains desperately desired.

“I need to wear a shirt that I feel…”
    “Just shoot her in the face and adjust it with a scrim.”

    “Did you just laugh when Yoda died?!”

    "Tator tots? I'm in the right place!"

    “It’s not peach because it isn’t peach!”

    “Was your grandmother hot as well?"

    I welcome you to take these quotes any way you feel fit and allow your mind to explore what was really meant by each comment. Please comments of what you thought about this post!

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