Thursday 21 April 2016

NY4- Strange faces

Our day 4 was probably the most enjoyable. This was our "free" day where we could go anywhere and do anything we pleased. While some stayed in bed and watched Netflix, a group of us, myself included, followed Dave C. like baby ducklings as he showed us his view of NY!

We took a very long subway ride to Coney Island where we enjoyed the first and most important meal of the day with cheese dogs. I can now check that off of my bucket list! The hot dog was very tasty!

While enjoying some much-needed lunch at a sushi bar, I glanced out my window to see a man on the street holding a cup for some change. He met eyes with mine and I smiled back at him. Seeing that I was friendly, he started to perform a ballad, using his umbrella as a microphone and dancing to his beat. I felt a bit bad that I was sitting here enjoying this fine meal and he was begging for money and singing and dancing for it! I quickly finished, came out and gave him some money and took some photos. He was such an interesting subject that I forgot to ask his name as I focused on my shooting!

Another mystery person happened as we were nearing the end of our day. We were walking along the street near Queens and I saw a man talking with a big group of men. For some reason, he stood out to me the most. Maybe it was the fact that more of his body was inked then the non-inked parts. His face was covered in little designs and lines. He wore black and a sideways hat; smoke poofed out of his mouth and nostrils as he snorted at one of the men's jokes.

As we approached the same part of the sidewalk I asked him, "Could I take your photo?"

 He replied with, "Ya sure, what do you want me to do?" He looked at me waiting for an answer.

 All I could think to say was, "Just act natural!" 

He turned and laughed at his group of guys who also laughed back with him. "That shouldn't be too hard!" I nervously laughed back, trying to play it cool.
My classmates were still walking down the street and I was getting anxious to catch up. I couldn't miss this opportunity to photograph such an interesting face. I quickly took 3 photos, thanked him and joined the group. Only later would I realize I hadn't even asked for a name... AGAIN! To this day, I am upset about that fact but maybe in a roundabout way it adds to the photo's story.

I love taking portraits and New York only helped to grow my love of photography with each passing day. I would never leave my house without a full battery and an empty memory card again. You never know what you may find!

If for some strange reason YOU are this guy, please try to get in contact with me!! I'd love to hear your story!! 

NY3- Alexa will be the death of Chidley!

Dave C. had high hopes for us to start the day off on the right foot. That is until Alexa decided to scale the roof of our subway deck, near our hotel! Her hands were covered in what I could only guess was grease, dust, old chipping paint, and bird poop... I quickly got her a napkin and used some water to wipe it off! Don't worry Chidely! You only have us for a week!

The city is a dirty place, Alexa!

Told ya...!

Travelling through the streets and subway rails, we were all getting tired yet again. Alexa had a great idea: Energy drinks! After stopping at a convenience store we 'kept on trucking'. (pun intended).

Alexa displays her undying love for the miracle liquid, that is Redbull.
There is street art all over the place! I had an amazing time cataloguing anything that I saw that interested me. Alexa had some favourites!

.... and a goof ball!
Just look up....
"You have a bogie-"

She's a rebel, what can I say?
"Look I'm a crane too!" "Oh.. there goes $4000.00...."

To the surprise of Dave, we made it back to the hotel injury free! There is more to come! we are only on day 3!

NY2- 15,638 Steps

Hotel --> St. Patricks Cathedral --> High Line and Chelsea Market --> Aperture Gallery --> Lombardi's Pizza --> Hotel.

Day two... Only it felt like week two. My feet were not yet sore, but that was yet to come! We were fitting so much into only a few days so the time felt much longer than it actually was. Regardless of the length of the stay, I was having such an amazing time.

The Cathedral was built in 1858 and took over 20 years to be constructed. The hard work that was ever so carefully placed into this magnificent building shines through the stained glass windows and echoes off the marble walls, illuminating the many rows of pews. People were walking around, sitting for prayer, and some were lighting prayer candles.

I lit a candle for my Papa.

Amazing architecture! 
Dave's glorious beard glistens in the sunshine.

Art is everywhere, especially the High Line

The boardwalk was a lovely walk, especially on this particular day! It was warm and there was a slight breeze. As people passed by us I couldn't help but wonder what each person was thinking. Beside me was an artist sketching the drummer beside her. After the sketch she filled it in with watercolour markers, blowing on the thick papers to dry them. Grabbing a fuzzy peach popsicle, my afternoon was made. 

Busy, busy, busy markets!
 The markets were just booming as we ventured onward. One of my favourite parts of the walk was to look into the little shops and cafes to experience different people's everyday lives at a glance.

Right outside Lombardi's Pizza there is lots of night life.
 "Cheers!" Cries my teacher, as we all clink drinks at the long and piled table. We were finally to our last stop before the hotel. Ordering so many types of pizzas, I could not keep count,  we awaited our orders. The first bite of Lombardi's Pizza was to die for! Whether this was the best pizza I had ever eaten or I was hungry from the long day, I scarfed down multiple slices in a matter of 10 minutes.

7th floor of our hotel.
Each one of us flopped onto our beds and rested our, now, aching muscles, and imported the day's photos. We were tired and ready for a hot shower to prepare us for the next adventure that tomorrow would hold for us.

If you would like to check out my colleagues thoughts about the great NYC, visit our school blog here! -->

NY1- We Have Arrived!

I have been meaning to write a post about my amazing experience to New York for a while now. I am excited to share my moments from my week long trip with you and hopefully to invite a few people to connect and to be a part of these little inside stories my colleagues and I have shared together. You know the old saying, "You had to be there..." Well, that is exactly my intent; to take you to share the experiences with me!

Day 1: Detroit Airport --> ICP --> MoMA --> Rockefeller --> hotel.

Nerves were high, my heart was screaming at the false impending danger; plane rides were so unnatural to my body for I had never flown before. As I looked at the faces around me, excited and planning their first steps in the city, I was curled up in my airport chair surrounded by luggage and trying not to be sick. I wouldn't necessarily say that I have anxiety today, or at least I am able to control it better than in the past, but I would have believed myself at that moment.

Thinking back to only ten minutes before this point, it had gone by in a blur.
1) Correctly provide my dad with instructions to the airport.
2) Enter the correct doors for my flight.
3) Find the luggage checking stations.
4) Make sure I didn't have prohibited items on my person like water bottles, certain foods, etc...
5) Provide correct paperwork to the gate attendant in a rush to board all the passengers to the plane.
6) And finally finding the right departure exit.

Here I sat. Not even music could calm me. I suppose it was a mixture of the fear of missing the right steps and the happiness of visiting a new place for the first time.

I owe Alexa so much. She held my hand for the entire take off and settled my nerves until we were quietly gliding above the city. I am very lucky to have such an amazing girl in my life.

"Oh no! My gay is showing!"
Right after we got off the plane we left to drop our things off at our hotel rooms. We only had seconds to grab some grub before we set off to complete the days' tasks!

The day started in Detroit, making our way to the International Center of Photography. As our group of 15 students viewed the incredible images throughout their hallways we took in as much as we could in hopes to improve our skill. Even during the MoMA, I felt that even if I had been there for the full day I would not have been able to take in all of the amazing works of art.
Jodi enjoys her first breakfast in NYC

HDR.... AND Pano!

Just three blocks from our hotel.

My mind raced as flashing lights skipped by us. We were travelling up the Rockefeller elevator. Entering, our class scattered to each end of the roof. My instructor dared me to create an HDR panoramic; not an easy task for a photographer without her tripod but the results are quite nice!

If you would like to check out my colleagues thoughts about the great NYC, visit our school blog here! -->

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Portraits of You

I am very proud to announce that E.H Photo had entered into a contest to be displayed in Dufferin County Museum. I have just received an email stating that one of my photos has been selected! If you are close by, feel free to support this great cause and check out some amazing photos.

More info here!

Monday 18 April 2016

Looking Back Puts a Smile on My Face

As the week continues, the realization that these are my final moments of college comes to the foreground of my mind. I had been waiting years to finally be rid of the constant studying and regurgitation of information. I had convinced myself that this was only  something I would be doing for my education but looking towards my future I understand more that this is something I will be doing all through my life. I will constantly be learning until my final seconds and still, I will not have experienced everything I have ever wanted to.

I look around my classroom and see tired but content faces hard at work. We have worked so hard and come so far in this program. I am proud and impressed by the people in my class. When I recall the photos I have seen over the past two years, the level of professionalism is easily recognized.

Tough Moments-

I feel as though this section will be long because the program at Lambton College is meant to push us and prepare us for the future. Most start the Digital Photography Program expecting to have a few projects, some Photoshop lessons and expand their hobby. This is a major misconception! This program is a business course in a sense, as well as a technical course.

Image challenge is an amazing opportunity to have five pieces of work critiqued by some experienced judges. The amount of improvements that I have learned has only improved my photography! After the judging, they announce winners the following week and this is important to me because it is another addition to my resume.

Exams are another challenging time because the stress level is sky high! Having that constant fear that you are forgetting a key component of this term is terribly frightening. In the end, I always seem to pull through exceptionally well. Here's hoping for this last term's exams as well.

The New York Trip was one of my most favourite parts of my college career. I was so impacted in the journey of traveling through the streets of raw NYC that I have even considered moving, and working there!  The plane ride to get there sent panic into overdrive! I am afraid of heights so getting used to the idea of a soaring metal box was not an easy pill to swallow. After landing I was ready to take on the amazing adventure that was New York.

Another stressful time would be the gallery show. Evanesce was a great success but getting to that point was extremely challenging. Planning, timing, organizing,  designing, cleaning, communicating, directing, and traveling; it all takes a toll on the mind and body!

Love of my Life-

The school has not only been a place of education. I have made so many relationships throughout this time and made new friends to last for years. I will forever be indebted in College for bringing to me the most amazing girl in the world. From the beginning of term one, I have slowing grown a beautiful love that I never want to let go of. I have always known that college would be the place to meet people of similar interests. I have always had this strange feeling that this was when I would be able to connect to someone on a truly deep level. This internal intuition was finally realized!

For all of the work that has been done these past two years, I am thankful for all of my support, friends, and family. I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help! I would also like to thank my teachers. There is one in particular that I want to thank for her endless support and positivity. She knows who she is! Her knowledge was very impactful and I have learned so much from her. I want to be clear that I'm not just saying this for extra marks! Late night messaging with panicked questions about project due dates and advice has made me so indebted to you! It is nice to see an instructor with  a true passion for helping students.

What is my next plan of action once I am graduated? Let's just say that I am going to be resting for a bit to recuperate then I am jumped feet first into my passions!

My First Ever Gallery- Evanesce

For the end of the second year of the Lambton College program, we must plan, set up, and host a gallery. This has been one of the most challenging projects of my career! Generating such a feat takes a lot of management, balancing, and communication!

I booked the gallery space at the Bayside Mall in Sarnia, Ontario back in October. I had just gotten back from New York, on a school trip,  and I was ready to start the next project! Booking the space was very easy and the staff was so helpful. Being as this was my first time executing a show, they were there to answer a few of my questions about insurance, security, and much more.

Throughout the next few months, I had done a series of shoots to accumulate all the photos I was going to include in the showing. Here is a link to one of my earlier blogs with more info about that.

Other blogs here <--

After throwing 10 pounds of flour, using the ghostbusters backpack, editing for an uncountable amount of hours, I was finally ready to start printing and framing.

Setting aside the work that had to be done for the show, space was the next issue. When I say issue I mean it! The room that I booked was about to go under construction. I was able to host the show before the mall was going to build a restaurant in its' place!

Spray painting had to be done and buckets and buckets of soapy water were used to clean the floors, windows, and walls. Cleaning must have taken a solid week! I had a lot of fun spending this time with 4 other photographers.

Once I had seen the space I was going to use I realized one thing: IT WAS HUGE! There was no possible way that space could be filled with my photos standing alone. I asked for my partner, Alexa, (of 1 year as of May!!) to join me. Her work is amazing, so naturally I was excited to have it featured with mine.

Our works were totally opposite one another, yet they seemed to fit well together. Mine was called Evanesce while Alexa's was called Evolutionary Development. Each had portraiture but were definitely considered to be placed on different ends of the spectrum.

Here is a link to my website with all of my photos from the gallery --> >

Here is a link to Alexa's gallery on her website --> Awesome Gallery Here!

Sunday 3 April 2016

Easter 2016

Since I was a baby my family and I have been going to my grandma and grandpa's farm to celebrate all kinds of special days. In particular, Easter has always been one of my favourite times of the year.

This weekend is Easter weekend and I have just returned from the farm. I compared the other memories to the ones I had made today with my family and the only difference form when I was little and now is our ages. The traditions live on!

We had an easter egg hunt, and a huge dinner. My grandma is a very hardworking woman and she always amazes me with how much she does for our family and for the community!

Perhaps it is time for a change from the Easter egg hunts because we are getting older but we don't dare say anything to my grandma. It brings her so much joy. My brother and I decided to record some videos of the happy day! We got a few good laughs from viewing afterwards.

This is how I enjoy my (few) days off. I laugh with my family and make memories to last a lifetime. I am very thankful for who is in my life and for the love and support we share!

All the chocolate!

Rewind time!

Here comes the Easter bunny!

Headpiece DIY

Recently I decided to switch up from the regular shoots I do and try something new. I had seen a headpiece online for sale going for $500.00! My inner DIY spirit guide came out and challenged me to do it myself!

I used my reference photo to create a high key photoshoot and I love the results! Here are the steps of how I completed this project, with success!

Step 1:  Gather materials

The supplies I used were pretty simple and could all be found at the dollar store. I bought a shark hat, styrofoam pieces (optional), faux flowers, and some beads. I ended up not using the beaded necklace in the hat, but instead, I had my model wear it for the shoot fora few photos!

Step 2: remove excess material.

I had to take off the shark teeth, eyes, and fin. This is the base of the hat and will make the hat the shape of the head so it sits nicely.

Step 3: Flower Power!

I bought a million and a half flowers for this! Ok.. well, maybe only 2 shopping bags worth. After cutting the stems with my handy dandy wire cutters the job was a lot faster from then on.

Step 4: A lot of hot glue... and a few burns...

Using hot glue I added flower after flower; strategically placing them to fill the hat and create a nice shape. WARNING: I burned myself pretty badly here! I am not surprised because I seem to dive into each project full force, leading to at least one injury. Do as I say, not as I do!!

Step 5: Foam time.

I added some styrofoam to the inside of the flower bunch. I wanted to make the hat very large! Adding the extra material to put the flowers into to glue them, helped very nicely! I recommend this if you want to create a very dramatic or an avant garde look.

Later that week I had a shoot scheduled and we put the head piece to the test! My model's name is Natalie and she really worked her magic through the lens.

I really had to rearrange the flowers to get them where I wanted. I knew I was going to shoot a high key photo so I made my piece all white to add some contrast. Spray paint may also help to achieve the right colour you are looking for. 

Good luck at home and leave a comment with improvements or stories of your experience!