Monday 18 April 2016

My First Ever Gallery- Evanesce

For the end of the second year of the Lambton College program, we must plan, set up, and host a gallery. This has been one of the most challenging projects of my career! Generating such a feat takes a lot of management, balancing, and communication!

I booked the gallery space at the Bayside Mall in Sarnia, Ontario back in October. I had just gotten back from New York, on a school trip,  and I was ready to start the next project! Booking the space was very easy and the staff was so helpful. Being as this was my first time executing a show, they were there to answer a few of my questions about insurance, security, and much more.

Throughout the next few months, I had done a series of shoots to accumulate all the photos I was going to include in the showing. Here is a link to one of my earlier blogs with more info about that.

Other blogs here <--

After throwing 10 pounds of flour, using the ghostbusters backpack, editing for an uncountable amount of hours, I was finally ready to start printing and framing.

Setting aside the work that had to be done for the show, space was the next issue. When I say issue I mean it! The room that I booked was about to go under construction. I was able to host the show before the mall was going to build a restaurant in its' place!

Spray painting had to be done and buckets and buckets of soapy water were used to clean the floors, windows, and walls. Cleaning must have taken a solid week! I had a lot of fun spending this time with 4 other photographers.

Once I had seen the space I was going to use I realized one thing: IT WAS HUGE! There was no possible way that space could be filled with my photos standing alone. I asked for my partner, Alexa, (of 1 year as of May!!) to join me. Her work is amazing, so naturally I was excited to have it featured with mine.

Our works were totally opposite one another, yet they seemed to fit well together. Mine was called Evanesce while Alexa's was called Evolutionary Development. Each had portraiture but were definitely considered to be placed on different ends of the spectrum.

Here is a link to my website with all of my photos from the gallery --> >

Here is a link to Alexa's gallery on her website --> Awesome Gallery Here!

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