Thursday 21 April 2016

NY1- We Have Arrived!

I have been meaning to write a post about my amazing experience to New York for a while now. I am excited to share my moments from my week long trip with you and hopefully to invite a few people to connect and to be a part of these little inside stories my colleagues and I have shared together. You know the old saying, "You had to be there..." Well, that is exactly my intent; to take you to share the experiences with me!

Day 1: Detroit Airport --> ICP --> MoMA --> Rockefeller --> hotel.

Nerves were high, my heart was screaming at the false impending danger; plane rides were so unnatural to my body for I had never flown before. As I looked at the faces around me, excited and planning their first steps in the city, I was curled up in my airport chair surrounded by luggage and trying not to be sick. I wouldn't necessarily say that I have anxiety today, or at least I am able to control it better than in the past, but I would have believed myself at that moment.

Thinking back to only ten minutes before this point, it had gone by in a blur.
1) Correctly provide my dad with instructions to the airport.
2) Enter the correct doors for my flight.
3) Find the luggage checking stations.
4) Make sure I didn't have prohibited items on my person like water bottles, certain foods, etc...
5) Provide correct paperwork to the gate attendant in a rush to board all the passengers to the plane.
6) And finally finding the right departure exit.

Here I sat. Not even music could calm me. I suppose it was a mixture of the fear of missing the right steps and the happiness of visiting a new place for the first time.

I owe Alexa so much. She held my hand for the entire take off and settled my nerves until we were quietly gliding above the city. I am very lucky to have such an amazing girl in my life.

"Oh no! My gay is showing!"
Right after we got off the plane we left to drop our things off at our hotel rooms. We only had seconds to grab some grub before we set off to complete the days' tasks!

The day started in Detroit, making our way to the International Center of Photography. As our group of 15 students viewed the incredible images throughout their hallways we took in as much as we could in hopes to improve our skill. Even during the MoMA, I felt that even if I had been there for the full day I would not have been able to take in all of the amazing works of art.
Jodi enjoys her first breakfast in NYC

HDR.... AND Pano!

Just three blocks from our hotel.

My mind raced as flashing lights skipped by us. We were travelling up the Rockefeller elevator. Entering, our class scattered to each end of the roof. My instructor dared me to create an HDR panoramic; not an easy task for a photographer without her tripod but the results are quite nice!

If you would like to check out my colleagues thoughts about the great NYC, visit our school blog here! -->

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