Monday 18 April 2016

Looking Back Puts a Smile on My Face

As the week continues, the realization that these are my final moments of college comes to the foreground of my mind. I had been waiting years to finally be rid of the constant studying and regurgitation of information. I had convinced myself that this was only  something I would be doing for my education but looking towards my future I understand more that this is something I will be doing all through my life. I will constantly be learning until my final seconds and still, I will not have experienced everything I have ever wanted to.

I look around my classroom and see tired but content faces hard at work. We have worked so hard and come so far in this program. I am proud and impressed by the people in my class. When I recall the photos I have seen over the past two years, the level of professionalism is easily recognized.

Tough Moments-

I feel as though this section will be long because the program at Lambton College is meant to push us and prepare us for the future. Most start the Digital Photography Program expecting to have a few projects, some Photoshop lessons and expand their hobby. This is a major misconception! This program is a business course in a sense, as well as a technical course.

Image challenge is an amazing opportunity to have five pieces of work critiqued by some experienced judges. The amount of improvements that I have learned has only improved my photography! After the judging, they announce winners the following week and this is important to me because it is another addition to my resume.

Exams are another challenging time because the stress level is sky high! Having that constant fear that you are forgetting a key component of this term is terribly frightening. In the end, I always seem to pull through exceptionally well. Here's hoping for this last term's exams as well.

The New York Trip was one of my most favourite parts of my college career. I was so impacted in the journey of traveling through the streets of raw NYC that I have even considered moving, and working there!  The plane ride to get there sent panic into overdrive! I am afraid of heights so getting used to the idea of a soaring metal box was not an easy pill to swallow. After landing I was ready to take on the amazing adventure that was New York.

Another stressful time would be the gallery show. Evanesce was a great success but getting to that point was extremely challenging. Planning, timing, organizing,  designing, cleaning, communicating, directing, and traveling; it all takes a toll on the mind and body!

Love of my Life-

The school has not only been a place of education. I have made so many relationships throughout this time and made new friends to last for years. I will forever be indebted in College for bringing to me the most amazing girl in the world. From the beginning of term one, I have slowing grown a beautiful love that I never want to let go of. I have always known that college would be the place to meet people of similar interests. I have always had this strange feeling that this was when I would be able to connect to someone on a truly deep level. This internal intuition was finally realized!

For all of the work that has been done these past two years, I am thankful for all of my support, friends, and family. I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help! I would also like to thank my teachers. There is one in particular that I want to thank for her endless support and positivity. She knows who she is! Her knowledge was very impactful and I have learned so much from her. I want to be clear that I'm not just saying this for extra marks! Late night messaging with panicked questions about project due dates and advice has made me so indebted to you! It is nice to see an instructor with  a true passion for helping students.

What is my next plan of action once I am graduated? Let's just say that I am going to be resting for a bit to recuperate then I am jumped feet first into my passions!

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