Thursday 21 April 2016

NY4- Strange faces

Our day 4 was probably the most enjoyable. This was our "free" day where we could go anywhere and do anything we pleased. While some stayed in bed and watched Netflix, a group of us, myself included, followed Dave C. like baby ducklings as he showed us his view of NY!

We took a very long subway ride to Coney Island where we enjoyed the first and most important meal of the day with cheese dogs. I can now check that off of my bucket list! The hot dog was very tasty!

While enjoying some much-needed lunch at a sushi bar, I glanced out my window to see a man on the street holding a cup for some change. He met eyes with mine and I smiled back at him. Seeing that I was friendly, he started to perform a ballad, using his umbrella as a microphone and dancing to his beat. I felt a bit bad that I was sitting here enjoying this fine meal and he was begging for money and singing and dancing for it! I quickly finished, came out and gave him some money and took some photos. He was such an interesting subject that I forgot to ask his name as I focused on my shooting!

Another mystery person happened as we were nearing the end of our day. We were walking along the street near Queens and I saw a man talking with a big group of men. For some reason, he stood out to me the most. Maybe it was the fact that more of his body was inked then the non-inked parts. His face was covered in little designs and lines. He wore black and a sideways hat; smoke poofed out of his mouth and nostrils as he snorted at one of the men's jokes.

As we approached the same part of the sidewalk I asked him, "Could I take your photo?"

 He replied with, "Ya sure, what do you want me to do?" He looked at me waiting for an answer.

 All I could think to say was, "Just act natural!" 

He turned and laughed at his group of guys who also laughed back with him. "That shouldn't be too hard!" I nervously laughed back, trying to play it cool.
My classmates were still walking down the street and I was getting anxious to catch up. I couldn't miss this opportunity to photograph such an interesting face. I quickly took 3 photos, thanked him and joined the group. Only later would I realize I hadn't even asked for a name... AGAIN! To this day, I am upset about that fact but maybe in a roundabout way it adds to the photo's story.

I love taking portraits and New York only helped to grow my love of photography with each passing day. I would never leave my house without a full battery and an empty memory card again. You never know what you may find!

If for some strange reason YOU are this guy, please try to get in contact with me!! I'd love to hear your story!! 

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