Thursday 21 April 2016

NY3- Alexa will be the death of Chidley!

Dave C. had high hopes for us to start the day off on the right foot. That is until Alexa decided to scale the roof of our subway deck, near our hotel! Her hands were covered in what I could only guess was grease, dust, old chipping paint, and bird poop... I quickly got her a napkin and used some water to wipe it off! Don't worry Chidely! You only have us for a week!

The city is a dirty place, Alexa!

Told ya...!

Travelling through the streets and subway rails, we were all getting tired yet again. Alexa had a great idea: Energy drinks! After stopping at a convenience store we 'kept on trucking'. (pun intended).

Alexa displays her undying love for the miracle liquid, that is Redbull.
There is street art all over the place! I had an amazing time cataloguing anything that I saw that interested me. Alexa had some favourites!

.... and a goof ball!
Just look up....
"You have a bogie-"

She's a rebel, what can I say?
"Look I'm a crane too!" "Oh.. there goes $4000.00...."

To the surprise of Dave, we made it back to the hotel injury free! There is more to come! we are only on day 3!

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